Monday, October 8, 2012


When you are looking for an attorney on line you have to really do your homework. Just because an attorney has a good rating on AVVO or other rating services. An average attorney or a inexperienced attorney can look good online if they hit all of the right buttons. They can claim to have worked on complex cases, handled heavy duty legal problems, or engaged in some other type of spectacular legal accomplishment. Some attorneys know about other cases or have tangentially participate in a case. You need to vet the attorney after you do your on line search. You do this by researching the work or cases they claim to have been involved with or handled. You can check court records, call references, or call the attorney and question them about their participation. You can also ask them to provide a writing sample from their work on the case with the Appropriate redactions. WILSON TRIAL GROUP will provide links to work product on request. There are attorneys out there that just want to sign you up and then refer you to another attorney. They may not even work on your case which means they will not be involved or monitor what goes on in the case. Your best interest needs to be protected. When you hire the Wilson Trial Group we take your case on seriously. We work on the case and make sure your interests are advanced and protected. We are an experienced trial law firm that get results. If your attorney does not try cases then they will not be taken seriously.

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