Showing posts with label FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY. Show all posts

Thursday, August 2, 2007


When you hire a Burbank family law Attorney you want someone who will spend the time necessary to understand your case and fight for your rights. If you are facing a child custody proceeding you want to make sure that the Court has all of the relevant information to help it make the right decision. Your attorney needs to make sure that you submit addmissible evidence to the Judge for consideration.

Consequently, it may be necessary to obtain declarations from people with personal knowledge of the facts related to the child custody proceedings such as time spent by the parents with the children, abuse of the children either physically or emotionally, and other things that directly impact the children. The Court and everyone else is interested in what is in the childrens best interest, and which parent is going to foster continuing and ongoing contacts with the children and the other parent.

A Burbank attorney can help you negotiate the tricky child custody proceedings and make sure that you put your best foot forward. In other words, you need to let the Court know who you are, how you are helping your child become a more productive member of society, how you are not interfering with the other parents continuing and ongoing contacts with the children as well as many other things that your burbank attorney can cast light on for the Court. A Family Law attorney has to be a good listener, well versed in the rules of evidence, able to draft a straight forward and compelling declaration and argue your postion effectively to the Court. This search for the truth in the proceedings by your attorney will not only help you and the children, but will also makes our society a better place to live in each day.