The worst thing you can do is try and deprive the other parent from visiting with the children unless there is a need for Court intervention because of drugs, alcohol, violence or some other exigency. The kids need to see both parents as much and as often as possible. Taking out your frustrations with the other parent by interfering with the kids visitation rights not only is wrong, but it also is not in your childrens best interests.
Imagine you are 10 years old and your dad wants to see you, but your mom won't let him visit. You don't know it at the time that mom is doing this, but later when you grow up and find out, how do you think you willfeel about mom? Mom, i just wanted to see my dad. I thought he did not want to see me because of something I did wrong. I guess I am not worth seeing. This is what kids often tell themselfs in their heads when one parent prevents the other parent from seeing the kids.
Try to work it out with the other parent. You don't want an attorney getting involved in helping you work out the visitation scheduling unless it is absolutely necessary. You can do it your self without all of the acrimony.
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